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One to One Classroom evidencing the primacy of the digital devices in education

A time when digitally equipped devices are ruling the entire gamut of modern education, it has become mandatory for students to develop a pro digital mindset to get into the pace of modern education. Therefore, a new pedagogical approach has emerged in the way for students to use the digital devices personally. The new pedagogical approach is called 1:1 classroom.

The one to one computing system or 1:1 classroom model refers to the academic institution to enable the use of an electronic device for every student in order to get access to digital materials. This concept was shaped in the early 1990s and since then it has been explored and implemented actively.

 People always get confused 1:1 model with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) which motivates students to use their personal laptops or smartphones in the classroom. However, the 1:1 computing education provides devices to each pupil as a tool for learning. The term one to one indicates one device for one student and the devices include laptops, chrome books, or iPads.


These are selected and distributed class wise depending on the requirement factor for every student. For instance, iPads are quite popular among young students, middle and high school, and to some extend colleges are the customers for chrome books and BYOD is employed for adult or higher education students. 


By providing such devices there is a high possibility of students misusing it which can also get teachers in perilous situations. To avoid such situations, the 1:1 classroom system should be functioned in a systematic manner and the responsibility lies on the teacher to make students understand how to utilize it in a thorough manner.



4 Ways for the Successful Implementation of 1:1 Classroom


Set defined goals: a teacher should create a schedule on when students can have access to their personal devices so that overuse of this equipment would not happen. 


Explain the role of your device: A clear idea should be set in mind about what role does your device plays in the classroom. Teachers should realize that the introduction of the electronic device does not take the place of chalk and board culture. The purpose is to offer students a platform to research about learning materials in a more feasible manner.


Minimum usage: Minimize the use of technology for students to not get addicted to the device. Administrators should not demand the consumption of devices all the time. They should follow up with them and ask them how they have incorporated the device in their method of learning. The intent should not be to integrate technology unnecessarily but to set explicit goals and objectives for it to serve as a helping aid.

Avoid complete dependency on the device: The electronic device will definitely have a plethora of information but it will not give the right direction to follow the course. The ability student have is to filter the information available because too much information can confuse students about a certain idea or concept. It is also important to note that teachers should not assume students are well versed in technology. There will be some who need coaching and digital literacy is supposed to be the key agenda.




Myths of One to One classroom

In some schools, the transition in the classroom and instructional design is a disruptor for the scholars as well as pupils to get adapted to the new pedagogical ways of learning. There are too many challenges involved in striking a balance between the arrangement of the desks and organizing devices simultaneously to attain better curriculum goals.


Nonetheless, there appears to be some myths surrounding the implementation strategies of the 1:1 approach. 

Generally, people have a notion that there is a reduction in the reliance on academic books and the classroom is completely turned into a digital setup.


Let’s look at to what extent these are true and how educators are actually executing the 1:1 classroom model in schools

#Myth 1 Less dependency on academic books: When educators rollout the 1:1 approach, students would be free from the stock of textbooks which is difficult to carry daily. The reality is that devices only act as a medium to carry out information in the best way possible but it cannot be replaced with the traditional system of classroom structure which is the delivery of lectures, a collaboration between teachers and students, weekly texts, writing assignments, etc.


#Myth 2 students work only on the device: It is certainly possible to do all the school work on the device but then it is not the best way for students to learn. For instance, suppose students are asked to create a poster accumulating all the major events from the play Romeo and Juliet on an iPad. They are also provided with a hard copy of the materials to conduct a thorough analysis of the play. The challenge that arises would be to switch back and forth between the primary text, virtual guide, and other materials for the necessary annotations or references. Therefore, teacher-guided instruction is in no doubt the best-suited method for students to follow even if the technology takes a giant leap in the academic sector.


#Myth 3 all teachers join school by having prior tech knowledge and skill: Every teacher’s comfort level with digital platform varies vastly. The impression people have of faculty members is they jump into the digital medium quickly and efficiently with the same amount of passion and vigor. This is undoubtedly a false notion because technology is still at a budding stage and hasn’t reached many schools yet so most teachers would be completely novice to such an idea of schooling    


If we go through the analysis, tech-based learning only had a positive effect since its commencement in schools. But it is to be noted that anything which has a limited use would have a long-lasting effect. Otherwise, an over-attachment or addiction would arise among students which won’t be a good sign for their growth and evolvement.